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' Straight Outta Compton '                 ' Screw all the rules

Roleplay Information:

Roleplay Number: 5
Record: W - 01 L - 00 D - 00
Terrell's Defeats - Tag Team Champions
Whos Next:
If Your Not 8 Ball Inc, YOUR NEXT!

Next Match: Lethal Lotto Event: Adrenaline Stipulation: Triple Threat Title: The Bottom Line

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Shock Therapy Part II


There are many things that we cannot stop, take for example the daily changes in the weather, and the climate. Yes the many changes that we cannot stop, like the apocalypse, and a variety of others. But now, take trying to stop Terrell Odom and Shawn Hunt as an example too. The two men from The Realist Untouchables have gone on a run in the PWX, which many tag teams have not gone on in their time being in the PWX. Winning the Tag Team Championships, and proving their point of being a dominate tag team in the first week they debuted, they are now placed to higher obstacles. Now, with Hunt injured though, and taking what is rumored to be near a month to retaliate, Terrell Odom will be faced with challenges he has not taken yet in PWX. At Adrenaline Twenty one, Terrell is put into triple threat competition, mostly due to the suspension that they faced for a rumored “Sexual Assault” on one of Pro Wrestling X’s crew members, who she says had been assaulted after the event of Adrenaline nineteen. But there have been major rumors consuming around TRU, acquiring another dominant character, which many have yet to discover.

With the obstacles a little higher, Terrell Odom will be doing the job for T-R-U this week, as he faces Impact, and Sector, two of PWX’s rising stars. Terrell Odom has been through plenty in his life to overcome a guy like Impact, who is trying to make a name for himself as a new comer in the PWX, or take for example; a guy that has "Amazing" ego like Sector, but what many ask for is why does he have to prove himself? Why does Terrell Odom have to actually prove himself to the PWX? That answer has yet to be heard, but it has yet to be shown if he has to prove himself, or if he does not to the PWX. ]

January 18, 2005

9:34 PM Central Time


[ Two flicks are heard over a quiet, night in Southern El Paso, on Donovan Street. The sound of what seems to be a lighter, failing to hit its flame, sending an echo that chops into the silence. Soon after the first two flicks, another two are sent off into the silence. ]


"It’s about time I get this to light."

[ A street light shine's over to where the voice was heard, as smoke is seen gliding into the clear, sky painted with vivid colors of blue and purple. From a birds eye view, light from the object in this character hand could be seen. Another street light flicks on soon after the dawn hits the lights. The character identifies as Terrell Odom. Yes, the current Tag Team Champion of Pro Wrestling X with Shawn Hunt, the Realist Untouchables. The view around him, nothing but a few street lights, and a loud creak from a train miles away is all that is keeping him occupied. But from the left, there is one small building, lit brightly compared to the dull, closed and abandoned factories, houses, and stores. From what it looks like, Odom holds a cigar in his right hand, obviously stating what he lit. His cap, colors of red and yellow cover his hair. To the view, he is also wearing black sunglasses, even at a time of day like this. From his body down identifies a trademark to the Houston, and Texas residence, Hakeem “The Dream” Olajuwon jersey, with jean shorts. To his legs, he wears black and white sneakers, hard to identify, but it looks to be Chuck Taylor’s from the look of the design. ]

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - "Damn, how long does it take to cut hair? Snip, snip, and it should be done with. It is not like Hunt is getting all of his long hair cut off."

[ About another minute shy, and the doors to Willies opened. It would have astonished Odom if this would not have been Hunt. To the looks of things, he has been in there for some quite long time. Seeing the long hair, Odom knew from the looks that this was Shawn. Closing the door shut, the "No Smoking" sign flips around on the panel, and Hunt makes his way to where Odom stands. Hunt takes off his hat, as his long, blonde hair looks about a quarter of an inch shorter, updating his former hair style. The two slap hands, as Odom is in surprise. ]

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - "Damn son, how long does it take to cut a little bit of hair like yours? I know you don’t like people cutting at that long hair."

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - {Snickering} "Shut up man, he had trouble getting the trimmer to work. But you know, getting my hair trimmed down in a shack like this isn’t that bad for a man like me."

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - "What did I tell you, have respect for a place I grew up in. Just because you have been driving in Bentley’s from the day you was born, don’t mean a thing when you disrespect…"

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “I was just playing Terrell, take you’re anger out on your opponents, like you should on Impact, and Sector, not on an injured man. Fetch up the keys, and let’s leave though. I got to make sure Tank is keeping the club straight down at the Bloody Bucket. And look at you; the last time you stopped in you had me fire one of my men.”

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - “He fired himself. Hell, if he would of did his job right, he would still be opening the gates and shining your shoes.”

::[ Shawn Hunt ]:: - "Yeah, you’re right. But hey, why didn’t you go into Willie’s and get that damn fro cut off?"

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - "Didn’t you read the sign when you walked in, no smoking."

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - "That is all you do is smoke, damn. If I smoked as much as you, I would be dead already at the age I’m at."

[ Both chuckled at the statement Hunt made, as they were taking different directions toward a vehicle, a 1964 Elderado that was parked beside “Willie’s Barber Shop”. Odom took the driver side, as Hunt took the passenger side. The skittering sound of the engine igniting blew through Donovan St. Inside of the car, the story fled on, Odom speaking clearly to Hunt over the loud blast of the engine. ]

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - "Well, with you sidelined with that surgery you are going to have man, I am going to have to find someone to contend the belts with me."

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Why should you worry about that? Look at this fax I just received on this guy from across the border.”

[ Fumbling through the glove box, Hunt identifies a paper that he now holds in his hand. He quickly passed it over to Odom, who put the paper on the steering wheel, and read through it before bringing the car onto the street. His eyes scroll the page down, as he looks at what at is on the page before putting it in his lap. ]

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - “Alexander Thanderson, this guy looks pretty impressive. It does say that he held a Heavyweight Championship for more than one hundred and sixty days. Are you sure that this guy can hang with us though?”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Well, listen to me, we’ll offer the guy a few hundreds of thousands of dollars. We keep this guy interested, and keep him into our system, and our technique, and soon this guy will sprout into an amazing character.”

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - “Alright man, I trust you enough to bring me a great tag team partner. You know that this will be both of our asses if we lose this because of some fluke we signed. You come off of the injury, and T-R-U won’t be holding the Tag Team Championships if he screws this up.”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Yeah, I know what you mean. I don’t think you have to go as far as telling me that. But trust me, this guy looks amazing. I got some tapes and stuff down at the Bucket, and once we get in there I will show you what I have received on Thanderson.”

:: [ Inner Thoughts ] :: - “Alexander Thanderson sounded like he was going to be the next star to come off of the Eight Ball Inc. assembly. He made me feel confident inside, but I still had the feeling that this could all be a mistake made by Shawn Hunt. You know that with an upcoming triple threat match, Pariah is trying to swim into the deeper part of the water, bringing in the bigger fish. Sector, he was that person that Pariah wanted to take me out. He knew, that with Hunt sidelined that there would be no one there to help. He had me suspended, and I know damn well that he would have suspended me for longer, if allowed. But still, I will continue to have Johnny pull out his hair with anybody, and everybody that he chucks at me.”

[ Eight Ball Inc music played loudly from the area of where Hunt sat. He was quick to reach at his pocket, and brought forth a cell phone. Odom kept focus though on the wheel, he didn’t seem to be in on much of Hunt’s business, or it was just that he didn’t want to make the simple mistake of crashing the car. Hunt though looked back over at Odom before answering the phone. ]

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Damn unknown callers, should I answer it?”

:: [ Terrell Odom ] :: - “Sure, go ahead.”

:: [ Inner Thoughts ] :: - “I knew for a fact that this was something concerning of either the new guy, or my brother, Corey. He was putting it on speaker phone, but that was in private areas only. But as far as everything else goes, nobody prank calls Shawn Hunt’s number. Besides, who the hell would have it, how can a fan or a kid actually get a hold of Shawn’s cell phone number? Now, Hunt spoke to me a few nights ago about how Corey was getting released from prison. Hell, Hunt is closer to Corey than I, myself am. Let us just say that he never was a mentoring brother to me, he never helped me that much in tough situations growing up. You can’t put it all on him though, and I respect him still for being who he was.”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Yeah, who is this?” {Hunt spoke not mannerly, but more harsh than usual towards the person on the other line of the phone}

:: [ Unknown Caller ] :: - “Is this Shawn Hunt?”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Well you were dumb enough to dial the damn number, you must know who this is.”

:: [ Unknown Caller ] :: - “Take it easy there big man, this is just Alex. I needed to call you to set up that contract.”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Oh Alex! Here I was thinking that you were one of those damn kids that go around and prank call grown ups. Anyways, what did you want to talk about in this contract?”

:: [ Alexander Thanderson ] :: “Well, I have looked over the papers that Eight Ball Headquarters sent me a few days ago, and I am ready to sign with you guys.

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “That’s great, yeah we will be in El Paso for the whole month. But listen, you have this number now, so do not lose it. Call us when you get to Texas, and we will tell you where to meet us at.”

:: [ Alexander Thanderson ] :: - “Well, thank you for the offer. I look to be a real good factor for you guys and everything.

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Make yourself a home here, but one more thing.”

:: [ Alexander Thanderson ] :: - “Sure, what’s that?”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Be sure to never discuss any more of our business over the phone. And also, why are you doing star sixty seven on my number?”

:: [ Alexander Thanderson ] :: - {Chuckling} “Sorry man, I am calling from a pay phone. That is probably why.”

:: [ Shawn Hunt ] :: - “Alright, take care. And remember; call us when you get into El Paso.”

:: [ Alexander Thanderson ] :: - “Alright, got it.”

:: [ IT ] :: - “Shawn put the phone back in his pocket, and there we carried off to with Alexander Thanderson. He seemed to be pretty competitive from what I have heard, and he will have to be to meet with the standards here. It wasn’t going to be Shawn that was meeting with him though, and Alex did not know that. With Hunt being in surgery, things were going to be a living hell for Terrell Odom.”

:: [ IT ] :: - “But I still knew the job was considered for me. I had to fight the rumors. I was being made a fool of, with people like Sector running around, and spreading his comments on what he has heard. Hasn’t the guy ever heard of false statements? He believes something the owner of PWX says, because he wants to brown nose to him like he did everyone else in the locker room for the spot he is at now. Hell, Hunter McKay has better talent than this guy has. But for Sector, and the good for nothing Impact, things were going to change around the PWX.”

:: [ IT ] :: - “Many just thought it was a walk in the park to take care of many people. But things are turning very quickly.”

And that’s a T-R-U Truth!

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